Business Activities

The Company’s activities comprise primarily of investing in long term investments in equity shares, debt instruments, listed and unlisted, and equity related securities of companies in a wide range of industries. The company is also involved in Lending Business.

The major sources of income of the Company consist of dividend, interest and profit on sale of investments.
Our operational sector (NBFC) has rapidly emerged as an important segment of the Indian financial system. Moreover, we as, NBFCs assume small position in the significance business segment, as we primarily cater to the credit requirements of the unorganized sector such as wholesale & retail traders, small-scale industries and small borrowers at the local level by way of equity investments.

The NBFC as a segment is a heterogeneous group of financial institutions, performing a wide range of activities like hire-purchase finance, vehicle financing, equipment lease finance, personal loans, working capital loans, consumer loans, housing loans, loans against shares and investment, etc. And our company is an NBFC operating as an Investment Company, which prohibits accepting deposits from public.

Our company strongly believes in building a strong financial community by catering to the financial needs of people who do not have access to organized financial services like banks etc. We follow a simple ‘credit with confidence’ policy with sole aim to supplement the financial needs of masses.